Designing as a transition


The text explores how in the Italian language, the word "design" is defined as a synonym of "Industrial Design; Planning" while "drawing" describes "the graphic representation of real or imaginary objects, people, places, geometric figures made with or without artistic intentions". At a time when the vocabulary makes explicit the meaning of the word "design" as Industrial Design, indicating in the latter the true generic meaning of "Project" and in the word "drawing" as the representative expression of the act of drawing, the term "Design-Design" identifies that extreme conceptual proximity between the act of drawing and that of designing that converge and cancel in a complete unity of aesthetic and technical sense. With the term "Designing", we, therefore, want to play with words in which "design" and "drawing" become a verb synthesising in a single word like a disciplinary bridge tending towards the English linguistic interpretation but with a more defined and broader cultural meaning wanting to emphasise that in the art of composing there are no disciplines, distinctive characters, memberships, but above all places or scales of intervention that are different from being defined individually, as the Italian language does with design: an extended cultural and methodological synthesis between being and doing. The term, therefore, takes on a cultural value because it overcomes disciplinary fences, uniting in single concept art, architecture and craftsmanship capable of drawing a solid belonging and a typically Italian richness.


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How to Cite
Spennato, A. (2020). Designing as a transition. AND Journal of Architecture, Cities and Architects, 38(2). Retrieved from